Even though the Orioles only got what amounted to a bucket of balls from Houston for short stop Miguel Tejada it looks like that bucket will be less of a distraction to a team already embroiled in embarrassment. Congress is debating on whether it will pursue charges against Miguel Tejada after he was named in the now infamous Mitchell report. Tejada who spoke to Congress in 2005 had said at that time that he had never taken a performance enhancing drug and that he did not know any players who did. The second half of that comment was obviously a lie, I mean there can't be a Major League player out there that doesn't know someone using this stuff.
Now Tejada could face perjury charges just like Barry Bonds out west. What would make this even more ironic is if the truth comes out that he was lacing his B-12 shots. I bet Rafeal Palmeiro is watching with bated breath for the results of any future investigation. You have to admit that if Tejada did in fact sell Raffy a tainted B-12 shot that he would be vindicated at last. Of course you can't undo two years of bad publicity and Palmeiro has yet to apologize or admit that he knowingly took a performance enhancer.
It will be interesting to see how this affects the Astros who of course are no stranger to players using the juice (see Ken Caminitti or Jeff Bagwell). It doesn't make me feel any better knowing that Tejada likely used however it is nice to know that at least he will not be in the head lines as a Baltimore Oriole anymore.
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