I can't seem to stop quoting movies lately namely Old School and Dodge Ball but what else can you say to a 10-0 Orioles lead over the hated Yankees. Not only did the Birds chase long time traitor Mike Mussina after just 2/3 of an inning (Mr. Vaughan I thought you were pitching tonight. I did. Oh, I didn't turn the game on until the second inning). I was not home to see the beginning of this game but I do know that Brian Roberts had batted three times in three innings and La Marquis de centerfield is 4 -4 with 4 RBI's and the ancient Kevin Millar is 2-2 with an RBI and 3 runs scored. Daniel Cabrera is on the mound and poised to get his third straight win so things are lining up. Another juicy tidbit from this game is Derek Jeter had to leave after being hit in the left hand with a pitch. Not to wish bodily harm but I'd be happy if he missed a few weeks especially being as A-Rod is just now back and healthy. The Yankees are in the basement just behind Toronto while the birds chase the Rays and the Sox. At this point I'm still happy with a .500 season but I'd love to at least see a wild card push this season. If the Rays can keep up their momentum I'd be happy to see them win the East. After all, they are way way way over due on contributing anything worth while to Major League baseball. What is a bigger shame is that the people in the bay area could care less win or lose. All the more reason to contract or relocate....
In other news the NFL owners voted to absolve the current collective bargaining agreement effective in 2011. This also leaves open the possibility of a capless 2010 which could prove to be a real problem going forward. I know a lot of people would love to see a capless year but then what? Why would the players accept a cap in a future deal if they already played a season without one. I think we can all agree that the NFL is what it is because of parity and the salary cap helps to keep that in place. We have some years before we have to worry about it but it's something to keep in mind. Also it is being discussed to replace the 4th pre-season game with a regular season game therefore going to a 17 game season. I don't think anyone would disagree with that being as the pre-season in the NFL is pretty much a joke.
you normaly pay double for that kind of action Cotton.
The O's always play well when I'm down unda. What's gotten into Cabrera by the way? I guess I wont make fun of him for changing his number anymore.
I'm not asking any questions about Cabrera at this point. The down side today is we got shut out last night 8-0 so I guess the Yanks got their revenge. The good news though is A-Rod got screwed out of a home run.
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