It's July 4th in America so what's more patriotic then watching a bunch of jack asses shove as many hot dogs into their faces over a 10 minute period? Do other countries do this kind of stuff when they celebrate their independence (or some other form of patriotic day)? Just minutes a go my wife and I witnessed the first ever "dog off" in the nearly 100 year history of the Nathan's hot dog eating contest. Joey "I've got high cholesterol" Chestnut held off Takeru "I love wieners" Kobayahi to win the mustard belt for the second consecutive year. Both eaters were tied at 59 dogs at the end of the regulation 10 minute eating period. Once the crumbs were settled the judges decided to go to a 5 dog eat off. Whichever competitor could wolf down their 5 dogs first would walk away with not only the coveted mustard belt but also the title of world's greatest hot dog eater. Chestnut started out quickly eating 3 of his 5 but Kobayahi was able to eat two at a time to take a 4-3 lead. Seeing his dreams falling before him Chestnut reached deep within himself to finish his 5th dog a half second before the Samurai of tube steak could swallow his keeping America's title where it belongs.
This is the first year I've ever watched this event and what is more impressive is how many people actually go to this. There were thousands of people plus ESPN there. What is great is listening to the announcers refer to this as a sport and speculate that if Kobayashi loses he would have to retire because being the world's best hot dog eater is all he has. I've gotta tell you, if I get to a point in my life where something like being the best at eating a type of food is all I have Greazy can kick me in the nuts and put me out of my misery. All in all though it was an entertaining 15 minutes and has caused me to rethink grilling any hot dogs today cause watching that shit is nasty!
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....sweet land of liberty....
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