Who remembers Rudy Giuliani's 1994 mayoral inauguration? Not ringing a bell? How about the Saturday Night Live depiction of it that stared Chris Farley as the Mayor's then 7 year old son, Andrew? Now you're remembering. Well as it turns out, that little fat kid went on to enroll at Duke University where he hoped to become... a pro golfer. (See, it is sports related)
As it turns out, Andy wasn't much of a golfer, in addition to being a pretty huge douchbag. So the new golf coach at Duke kicked him off the team, and Andy responded by doing what any child of privilege does when things don't go his way: he took it like a man and looked for another school in which to enroll. Naw, just kidding, he totally sued to get back on the team at Duke.
The thing is, none of his teammates, including his roommates, wanted to save him from being kicked off the team, but he has a great answer for that, he says the coach pressured them and they succumbed to wanting him gone to make another spot on the team for him. That seems like an odd motivation when you learn that Fat Andy's scoring average last season was 74.5 strokes, which was 12th on the team. So I guess that aspiration to be a pro golfer was already derailed before you got thrown off the team for being a d-bag, huh Fat Andy?
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