Greazy and I awoke around 8am today to hit the road to Cooperstown to check out the lay of the land and get a feel for the insanity we would be up against on Sunday. We thought today would be more subdued being as it's only Friday and a lot of people from the Mid Atlantic region are coming via a bus trip and likely won't be in the area until tomorrow. We couldn't have been more soon as we made the turn on Main St in Cooperstown we hit a wall of traffic both cars and pedestrians. After about 20 minutes of driving around we found people selling parking for all three days for a total of $50. Being as are options were pretty much limited we figured we were getting a good value considering the Hall has already planned two $50 lots just for Sunday. After about a half mile walk we reached the cusp of Main St with the infamous Bakery on the corner (home of a delicious black & white cookie).
Greazy and I have been to the Hall more than half a dozen times so we really don't need to spend lots of time in the actual museum. It is the vendors and shops that we come for. We parused several of them before hitting up the only (and outstanding) Pizzeria in Cooperstown. We got there around 11am to eat so

We moved on to the actual hall and walked through quickly to get video footage we have lacked for the last 4 years. We also took time out to relieve ourselves as the Hall has outstanding facilities. We then proceeded back down Main Street to check out more of the local flavor. All in all there are like 10 Orioles fans to every 1 Tony Gwynn fan. Greazy even wore the Padres R. Burgundy jersey to show his support. The feel of the town is festive and there are people out there still in lawn chairs waiting to purchase an official induction bat for $150 that doesn't go on sale until tomorrow at 7am. A little crazy for my taste but to each their own I guess. We decided to call it a day around 1 in Cooperstown being as we will be spending the night there tomorrow. It is worth mentioning that while in Cooperstown we found a Chinese restaurant called Foo Kin Chinese food which we found hilarious.
On the hour drive back to Binghamton Greazy and I happened upon an accident where a tractor trailer had to have come from the other side of the road through the median and onto the other side. Fortunately he didn't hit any other vehicles however he did this on a bend and there was no indication that there was a problem. As we approached the curve we saw a NY state trooper pulled over in the left lane with his lights on but no one pulled over. Then around the bend is the accident with a rent a cop waving at us to slow down. Having no idea what was ahead we slowed down but apparently not quickly enough. As we came to a stop one of the other rent a cops came over to the window to yell at Greazy for not slowing down quickly enough. Greazy having none of the guys attitude argued back and we were allowed to proceed rather quickly by the accident.
Once back in Binghamton we decided to see the Simpsons Movie which was genius. Even though we were the only ones laughing at most of the jokes it was hilarious. I highly recommend and will not spoil it further. After the movie we

That's all for now look for our posting post induction!!!!!!
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