Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sports & Beer...They Always Go Together

If you've ever watched a sporting event be it a baseball game or bowling event you are bound to have realized that in between innings or frames the commercials are filled with advertisements for beer. Over the years they have evolved from the bar war of "taste great" and "less filling" to talking frogs to setting Man laws in a glass room with Bert Reynolds in charge. Now we could talk all day about which commercials are the greatest of all time, I personally enjoyed the Budweiser frogs warring with Louie the iguana and the ferret but I digress.

I think Coors Lite has now hit an all time low in beer commercials. Recently I've seen two of their commercials featuring World's Strongest Man Magnus Ver Magnusson and the creepy Japanese guy that eats like 10 million hot dogs in like 15 minutes. I don't know his name and I am proud of that fact. The commercials go through these athlete's accomplishments and then states "at the end of the day what does the world's strongest man call for?" and you hear Magnus say in his thick accent "Coors Lite" with authority. He then slaps a buddy on the back and knocks him to the floor supposedly not knowing his own strength. In the Japanese guy's commercial they wipe all you can eat off the board as he walks in. First of all I doubt either of these guys would touch a Coors Lite on a bet although I realize that most athletes that endorse products (with the possible exception of Nascar drivers) probably never use them. I look at Miller Lite and the Man Law commercials and the Bud Lite radio ads honoring Real Men of Genius and think that Coors is way behind in the beer advertising wars.

I don't know how anyone else feels but I've got to go ahead and give Coors my first stiff of the week award for just making half assed commercials and not entertaining me as much as the competition.

Later XL

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