Friday, July 20, 2007

Was'up Dog?

I'm not breaking any new news here, but Michael Vick is a dick hole. Any person who would risk such a high paying career so he can get his rocks off with dog fights is a crusty, syphilis infected dick hole. Let me get one thing perfectly straight here, I'm no animal lover. I think people who bring animals into their houses are straight-up crazy, because... they don't really love you people. They are incapable of love, and that is a scientific fact! (said like Champ Kind)

Even though I think people who buy clothes for their dogs are dumber than dirt, it doesn't follow that I think dogs should be tortured. As far as I'm concerned you can kill any animal you want, but like mom used to say: don't play with your prey. That's why it made me so mad to hear Joe Horn on ESPN radio today all but equating the killing of a losing dog to hunting. I'm pretty sure Ron Mexico wasn't eating the dogs after he executed them. And I'm sure there was also very little sport in their deaths. If some guy wants to douse himself with deer piss and sit in a tree, drinking Natural Lite, while shooting a deer, I'm OK with that. It's not my cup of tea, but it seems to be within the confines of good taste.

What Vick is accused of doing is most certainly not. The images conjured of torture, killing and the fighting itself is enough to make even a non-Peta person mad. There is no way Michael Vick should be allowed to take the Field for this upcoming season (bet the falcons wish they had Matt Shaub now huh) and if convicted he should never play again. And to make matters worse, his actions have made him the Stiff of the Week for this and every week until an appropriate punishment is handed down. That punishment is of course: Being put in a cage with 45 half starved dogs.

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