I'm sure many of you have heard this story being as it is nearly a week old at this point however I can't help but comment on it. As I'm sure you all know every year since Monta Zuma got his revenge dumb ass people have been allowing bulls to chase them through the streets of Pamplona. It seems each year there are stories about people getting gored and even killed by these bulls who just want to get the fuck out of the way. This year was no different although it was a lot more comical. Brothers Michael & Laurence Lenahan running in their first ever bull run were also both gored simultaniously by the same bull. Evidently 6 bulls were let loose behind a bunch of morons, normally the bulls run together and get by all the runners and so on and so forth however in this race one bull went off on his own which is apparently the "worst possible scenario." In doing this both brothers were gored one in the ass and the other in the leg. A funnier sight I'm sure they haven't seen in Pamplona in quite some time. To make this even better, both brothers swear that they will be back again to have another run. If it were me, I'd want to hunt the bull that gored me down and have it for dinner and then mount it's horns on my big red neck pick up truck!!!
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