Barry Bonds says "You cannot give people the freedom, the right to alter history. You can't do it. There's no such thing as an asterisk in baseball." Actually Barry, you can, you can, and there is. The thing that guys like Barry fail to remember is that he's playing our game. If we want to give one guy a pass and crucify another we can, because we're the ones who pony up the dough to support the game.
In the interview with MSNBC, Barry also intimated that he would forgo a spot in the Hall of Fame if the Hall of takes his record breaking homrun ball, now marked with an asterisk thanks to Mark Ecko. "I will never be in the Hall of Fame. Never," Bonds stated through a smile, before going third person with "Barry Bonds will not be there. Well, that settles that then, doesn't it? We don't want him, or Sammy or Big Mac there, and he doesn't want to be there. Whew, we really dodged a bullet there... oh, but wait. When pushed by interviewer Jim Gray about if he would really decide to not go into the hall of fame he backed down saying "That's my emotions now. That's how I feel now... We'll see where they are at that time, and maybe I'll reconsider."
God! He can't even be a douche right. If you're going to flip flop on a statement you make infaticly , at least wait a decade to change your mind like Pete Rose did. Rose and Bonds have a lot in common: they hold all time great records, they broke the rules, and they are both surly cock-bags. I smell ESPN's first sitcom!
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