You may see the title of this post and thing wow XL, that seems pretty racist. I guess it is but it also brings attention to a growing trend in the NFL. It was announced yesterday that Joe Flacco will be the Ravens starter in week 1 relugating Troy Smith to black up. It seems that when you scour the league you find quite a few of these situations. For example in Pittsburgh you have Big Ben who was blacked up by Chalie Batch but then he went down in the first pre-season game and Byron Leftwich was signed to be black up. In Jacksonville you actually have a black QB but he is not without a black up in Cleo Lemon. I'm sure there are more, a historical black up QB was Doug Williams of the Redskins. He was black up until the starter went down and led the Skins to the promised land that year. As the season goes on we here at Inky and the Sports Guys will keep our eyes on this potentially controversial trend!
I'd like to add as a side note that both Greazy and I use black ups in our fantasy league. I have chosen Jamarcus Russel as my black up and Greazy has Jason Campbell as his. I can't speak for Inky, I'm not sure if she is gracing the fantasy grid iron with her presence this season....but if she does I expect a black up!!
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