I was on may daily stroll through the Internet today and I came across a headline on Comcast.net that stopped me in my tracks for a second. It says "'Skins Re-sign Star Player" (as you can see on the left) which of course interested me. I am a Skins fan, and I was unaware that any of our star players needed resigning, so I clicked on it and found this story, with this headline: "KR Cartwright agrees to $3 Million, 3-Year deal with Redskins." Would you call a 1 million dollar a year deal with a second string full back who also returns kicks headline worthy? No, which is why the dickhole editor at Comcast.net Sports decided to punch it up and draw Skins fans in with this chicanery. Well fuck them, they are my stiff of the week for last week AND next week.
I mean no disrespect to Rock, who I love, but to call him a star player is like calling Sargent Slaughter a recording artist. Sure Rock is important to the team, but he's a second string full back, a third string half back and our starting kick returner. Not exactly "star player" material. Sure a kick returner is important, but I think about it like Dennis miller once said (before he became a right wing nut): It's like being second tuba in the Boston Pops, sure you'll always have work, but it's not getting you laid.
1 comment:
The Baltimore Sun did the same thing when the Ravens made a "key free agent signing" in Brendon Ayanbadejo to improve their special teams play. I guess when your team is not active in the first week anyone they sign is determined big new.
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