We've all seen the 80's classic Caddyshack and know that in the end Danny Noonan not only beat Denunzio for the Caddy championship but he also helped Ty and Al Czervik win a match play game against Judge Smails and Dr. Beeper. It was a great summer for Noonan as he was able to not only win the Caddy scholarship he also got some cool cash from Ty & Czervik for bailing them out of a close match. After the credits rolled we never heard from Noonan again and upon special request from Greazy and Inky I have tracked down Danny Noonan to find out "Where are you now".
XL: So Danny, when we last saw you, you had just helped Czervik and Ty win a match against Smails and Beeper. You had a scholarship in hand and a non pregnant Irish girl on your arm. Where did life take you?
DN: XL, I was ready to move out of my parents house with the 8 other kids running around. College was all I could think about, the lumber yard was out of the picture. Once I found out Maggie wasn't pregnant I kicked her to the curb. I was ready to go out and create my own Animal House. I even had an invite to try out for the college Golf Team. Things were looking good.
XL: Sounds like you were off to a pretty good start. How was college life?
DN: I loved it from the minute I set foot on campus. I went to Adams College so I had to steer clear of the Alpha Betas but that wasn't hard with those silly Tri-Lambs always instigating them. I tried out for the golf team and decided to major in Agricultural Science with a focus on Greens Keeping so I could stay close to the course no matter what. I made the team and played pretty well. I never won any championships in college but I had a good time playing and made a lot of friends. The major was tough though, I mean with all the hot ladies in the Daisy Dukes walking around it was hard to concentrate. I eventually decided to drop out.
XL: So you didn't finish your degree to become a greens keeper but you had fun. So where did you go after college?
DN: Well Bushwood had an opening for Assistant Greens Keeper because Karl got promoted. He and I always had a good relationship so he brought me on to assist with keeping the course up to date. Karl was promoted because he finally got that pesky gopher that was wreaking havoc on the greens. I was given his shack to stay in which was nice. It was pond front which is always good and not far from the caddy shack so I was able to keep up with the goings on there. Denunzio was in charge over there now and we had gotten over our feud from when we were teens. We actually got together and regularly played pranks on the caddys as well as Smails when his old ass was on the course.
XL: What about Ty, did you stay in touch with him at all?
DN: Oh yeah, occasionally we would play a round together, he still played really early in the morning. He developed an affinity for Chicago sports clothing and always had some kind of jersey or tee shirt on from that area. His game got worse as he got older, I have finally beat him in a round although he would never admit it. He offered me a job in one of his corporations but I was content at Bushwood, my home away from home.
XL: So as Assistant Greens Keeper, do you get lots of chicks?
DN: Well all the old ladies love me, they seem to think I'd be interested in them, not sure what Karl used to do as Asst Green Keeper with the older ladies but I'm not interested. I'm actually back with Maggie, we've been married for 5 years and have three kids. We all live in the shack on the course. The kids love the pond and Maggie can get us all the gourmet food we want from the restaurant so it's not a bad life.
XL: It was good talking to you Danny, good to hear that you are enjoying life as Karl's underling. Also good to hear that you and Denunzio have made up and are friends.
DN: One final note on that, Denunzuio may be a greazy wop dego but he runs a tight ship and he keeps the prices of coke down so all the caddys love him. His wife also makes a mean lasagna!!
1 comment:
It’s good to see that Danny landed on his feet. I’m surprised he ended up with Mary though. After all she said she didn’t know if the baby was Danny’s, so she may be a bit of a whore. She’s been plucked more than the Rose of Tralee, I’m told.
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