Now from this title you probably think holy shit, how did I miss something like A Rod being attacked by a hawk? Well it happened during a tour of Fenway Park in Boston, 13 year old Alexa Rodriguez was on a tour with her class when a resident red tailed hawk drew blood from her scalp. Evidently the hawk flew right for her head with it's talons out and caused the injury. It evidently had a nest near the press box with an egg inside. State wild life officials later decided it was a good idea to have the nest moved.
I guess it's a good idea that the class took the tour when they did otherwise when the Sox returned home who knows who could've gotten hurt. I could only hope that the hawk would try to nest in Kevin Youkalis' goatee. Or possibly in that rats nest that Manny calls hair. Oh well, it looks like A Rod got his just rewards again!!
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