I spent some good quality time watching sports today with Inky and XL. I started my day off with some Aussie Rules, moved on to NHL playoff action, took a bit of a break for some of the Masters and finished it up with more Footy. While all the action on the feild/pitch/ice/links, was great, I got the most enjoyment out of the mouths of the announcers.
To start off with, during the second intermission of the Flyers-Caps game, Mike Millbury dropped this on us while talking about what the Caps needed to do to get back into the game:
"We've gotta sink it deep, good dumps, get some pressure and use the D on the wrap around."
Later during the Blues big win over the Magpies, Dennis Cometti remarked on a player's reticence to take a big mark:
"He's feeling a bit like Brittney Spears' Attorney. A bit uncertain."
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