As I was perusing the Internet for sports news the other day I came across an article about the World Series of Beer Pong. Being a former All PA State Beer Pong player in college I had to read about this phenomenon. Apparently Las Vegas (where else) is the host of this tournament which now nets a top prize of $50,000. You may wonder, XL how do I qualify to compete? Do I have to beat out a group of girl scouts at a local YMCA? The answer is...well maybe if those scouts are 21. There are satellite tourneys all over the country that allow you to qualify for the main event in Vegas. I believe you can also register on the website and pay an entry fee so it is similar to the World Series of Poker. What is funny is a town near where I live runs beer pong tourneys once a month, I now need to find out if they are affiliated with World Series of Beer Pong (WSOBP). The tourney this year is still going on, actually today is the last day of competition so two guys or gals are real close to hitting that top prize of $50,000.
For those of you that are unfamiliar with this "sport" you play in teams of two each trying to throw a ping pong ball into your opponents cup. Each team has 6 cups set up similar to bowling pins. As a ball is sunk the opposition must chug that beer. First team to clear all 6 cups wins plus the losing team must finish the beer in the winners cup as penalty for losing. There are many variations on technique and more specific rules but that is the basic goal of the game. As previously stated in college I was the fucking man at this game. I lived at the pong tables while Greazy was out chasing women (I already had one) and became legend in York College lore. I've since become very rusty and should go out and play some randoms, you know to mix it up and keep me fresh. Although finding a partner is no easy task. You need someone who can hold up their end of the deal. I had a great partner in college, my third roommate Big Wayne who is rarely mentioned on this site. He would start out the evening trolling for chicks and when he came up dry came to play with me. He of course now lives damn near to Cuba with all the retirees and people who have no sense of how hot it really is in Florida.
As for the tournament it actually started in the 90's for I believe $5,000 or $10,000 but is now at $50,000. The same amount needed to save Average Joe's gym in the movie Dodgeball. If only there were a crazy guy in a wheel chair willing to retrain me (if you can chug my piss you can chug a beer) and a bar named the Dirty Sanchez in my town. I don't think this event is getting TV coverage anywhere however as the title of this post states one can only wonder how much longer before ESPN starts up the Ocho with Cotton McKnight and Pepper Brooks calling play by play along with those Beer Pong Dancers....
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