I guess it is easy to see why T.O defends Tony Romo. He's a QB who can't win in the playoffs, and comes up short when the chips are down and doesn't get him the ball for the big play. T.O. loves that. Doesn't he?
But, what about this quote about McNabb?
"Donovan had time to get the ball to me. … Donovan ignored me, he ignored Coach Reid's design."
"Donovan had time to get the ball to me. … Donovan ignored me, he ignored Coach Reid's design."
And, this about Jeff Garcia.
"Like my boy tells me: If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat, by golly, it is a rat."
So, where is all this emotion and love coming from with T.O.? Could it be that Tony Romo is the one? T.O. finally found a quarterback to love and who would love him back. They looked unstoppable together earlier this year. Connecting for touchdowns, no drama with the media, no overdoses, just good times. It all looked so easy.
Fast forward a few months.
T.O. gets hurt, Romo plays like a bitch, but T.O. sticks by his man. Then, it was Carrie, and still T.O. defended. But, Jessica Simpson, he couldn't handle. His jealousy bubbled over, and he was making comments to the media faster than you can pop a pill. She stopped showing up to games, and we thought that was the end. But then, they jet off to Mexico. And, to add insult to injury, Jason Whitten gets to go along too.
What is T.O. to do? Sit-ups in Romo's drive way? Curse his name in the papers? No, he does what a person who is truly in love does. Stands by their no-good man, imploring for him to be left alone. He makes excuses, he defends his good intentions and he cries. Cries behind his big ass sunglasses. This may be the most sincere display of emotion we have ever seen from Terrell Owens. Tony Romo broke his heart. But, he still believes they have a chance. That is so sweet. I say, cry on. Someday he'll see how great you are and come back. Until then, stay strong T.O. Stay strong.
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