Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Playoff Picks, about a week late

Greazy, in all his infinite wisdom, thought we should do playoff picks before the Wild Card Weekend. We didn't. We are some procrastinating mother fuckers. So, I decided to do it now, before the big guns start to play.

Let me be the first to admit, there really is only one solid, dead-bolt lock (or whatever the fuck they call it) in this whole thing. That is the New England Patriots will most likely push in the buttholes of any and all who come their way. But, hey, why not take a stab at it anyway?

Colts vs. Chargers - My love for Peyton Manning and his body really makes me want to say Colts without hesitation. So I will. Colts win. And, no you degenerate gamblers. I don't pick points or spreads. Get it together and go outside. Not everything needs to be wagered on.

Giants vs. Cowboys - Oy. This is a tough one. Raised near Philly, the best I can say is that I hope they all get Gonorrhea and die. But, if I must choose, I say Giants. T.O. has 80 million reasons to suck my butt.

Patriots vs. Jaguars - As stated above, I think we all know how this one will turn out. But, hey. I'm kind of a bitch, so I'll say Jacksonville. From my lips to God's ears.

Packers vs. Seahawks - Oh, come on now. Seahawks? Please. Packers. All the way. No question. Brett Favre, in a sauna with a bottle of Thousand Island Dressing. I'm sorry, what were we talking about? Oh right. Playoffs.

So there you have it. Packers v. Giants. Colts v. Patriots. That is how it will shake out. Think I'm crazy? So be it. We'll see.

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