This may sound like the curmudgeonly rants of an old man, but remember one thing: I was all about Rap when I was comin' up. I owned Run DMC, LL Cool J, Beasty Boys and Sugar Hill on tape. I even aprreciated some of the later versions of Rap, but things are just getting out of hand. Sure some of the hip hop of the day is like modern day Shakespear, but some of it is just excruciating.
Take for example: the song Crank That (Soulja Bou) by the band Soulja Boy Tell 'em. Nevermind the fact that the song repeats not only parts of the song title, but also parts of the group name. The focus should be on how mind-numbingly horrible this song is. And for some reason it has been deemed worthy of inclusion in the pantheon of "songs you play at a sporting event." See, and you thought I posted this on the wrong blog.
I was at a DIII Hoops game tonight (York 84 Salisbury 74) and low and behold, so was Soulja Boy Tell 'em. It may be a fad, hell, when I was a student at York you couldn't go to a basketball game without hearing "Woo Hah, Got You All in Check" by Busta Rhymes, so I know that these things come and go. I guess part of my problem is that York is one of the most monochromatic schools on the planet. We make the team in Hoosiers look ghetto. Shouldn't we eschew hip hop in the arena in the favor of Metal, Rock n Roll or at the very least Eminem.... I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Please strike that last suggestion from the record.
I guess I have to include the arena DJ's in this award too, but the main part of the honor goes to Soulja Boy Tell 'em for putting pen to malt liquor stained napkin and "writing" this song. Yyyyyyyyyyooooouuuuuuu.... are stiff of the week.
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