Friday, August 31, 2007
I'm Just In It For the Punts

Thursday, August 30, 2007
Pack up the Truck...Pack it up!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Separated At Birth?

The Yankees Are Going to Win It All: Part II

- Record: 147-81 (65%)
- Starts - 324 (won 45.4% of Starts)
- IP: 2009 2/3
- ER: 789
- ERA 3.53
- K/KP9: 1535/6.87
- BB/BBP9: 467/2.09
Monday, August 27, 2007
I&TSG Staff Do Well in FFL Drafts
The Acountabiliabuddies. Owner: Angry Inky (0-0)
- J. Cutler QB
- B. Favre QB
- L. Tomlinson RB
- D. McAllister RB
- T. Bell RB
- A. Peterson RB
- M. Harrison WR
- Chad Johnson WR
- L. Evans WR
- T. Williamson WR
- D. Bennett WR
- Calvin Johnson WR
- J. Shockey TE
- R. McMichael TE
- J. Elam K
- Pitt Def
Not bad for a first time owner. With LT, Marvin Ocho Cinco and Lee Evans she should have a huge amount of points from week to week. If the others even have average years she should be in the hunt for the trophy.
The Delmarva Chicken Heads. Owner: XL Johnson (36-25 ) (3-4 VS Greazy)
- P. Manning QB
- M Schuab QB
- Larry Johnson RB
- DeAngelo Williams RB
- J. Lewis RB
- F. Taylor RB
- M. Bennett RB
- T. Owens WR
- T. Houshmandzadeh WR
- B. Berrian WR
- M. Furrey WR
- J. Schokey TE
- R. Gould K
- Carolina Def
XL is always in the playoff hunt, and with this team it should be no different this year. If Peyton LJ and TO go in early games he will have most teams covered before the start of the 4 o'clock game.
The Home Depot Presents Your Mom. Owner: Greazy Tony (33-29 ) (4-3 VS XL)
- D. Brees QB
- C. Pennington QB
- S. Alexander RB
- M. Lynch RB
- A. Green RB
- M. Turner RB
- W. Jackson WR
- D. Branch WR
- L. Coles WR
- A. Gonzalez WR
- T. Gonzalez TE
- S. Janikowski K
- Pitt DEF
My team may lack all the flashy names that Inky and XL have, but it's loaded with #1 WR's and starting RB's. I took Michael Turner from the Chargers because we are a three keeper league, and I think he's going to blow up with someone else next year. Plus, if LT gets hurt I should have a stud on my hands.
My Aussie Interests Take a Hit

Friday, August 24, 2007
I Can't Wait For Futbol Season...Honest

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Is There a Draft In Here?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
30 Runs Later and I'm Still Watching......

This is about as hot off the press as you can get, the O's drop game one to the Rangers 30-3. No that's not a typo the score was really 30-3 Rangers win. Daniel Cabrera managed to go into the 6th inning and only give up 6 runs. At that time the score was only 6-3 and the O's were still in the game however the bullpen arrived and a melt down of historic proportion ensued. The box score tomorrow will take longer to read than the article about the game. Anyone fortunate enough to have any Texas Rangers on their fantasy roster should cash in because everyone in the first game had more than one hit and probably more than one RBI and run scored. Hell, the pitcher could've probably hit and reached base and scored. You've gotta wonder what happens to allow this type of melt down to happen especially on a day where the O's finally let Dave Trembley know he is the permanent replacement. I wonder if he will enjoy the shortest tenure in Orioles history?? Well it's on with game 2 I guess it can't be any worse......come on NFL week 1.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Who's Turning Me On Now

Monday, August 20, 2007

Well the verdict is in so to speak and Michael Vick is of course guilty as charged. Unlike O.J. who was smart enough to realize that no jury will convict a popular athlete Vick accepted a plea bargain today which will likely include at least a year in prison but could include up to 18 months. One can only hope that he gets the max sentence for being as stupid as he is. All that said the question still remains about his NFL future. He will most likely be suspended after his prison term is served for at least a year but one can only hope he gets a Pete Rose esque life time ban for the gambling aspect. That would only be fair and would keep any team desperate enough from taking a chance on him two years down the road. Of course we can always pretend what it would've been like had Vick had a jury trial. I for one would've liked to have seen the jury selected as depicted in the cartoon for this posting. Now that would've been justice!!!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Greazy Tony: Sideline Reporter

So now, 10 years later I found myself headed to Boston again, this time for my new, sell out style career. I called my faux Uncle to see if we could get together for dinner while I was in town and I got a surprise. "Aun-Th-Knee, would you like to spend Friday night on the side lines at Gillette for the Pat's game?" He asked in his quintessential Boston accent. "Uhhhhhh.... fuck yeah!" I replied in my perfect non-regional diction. (I've been practicing while Inky and XL are busy laughing and grab-assing.)

Thursday, August 16, 2007
Bend it Like You're a Douchebag

Recently, I had a work tiff with someone who swore up and down that they didn't care about what I was doing, but they sure were upset about it. I liken this trivial incident in my life to the recent stories surrounding David Beckham, and his trip to the US.
Scads of sports media types swore up and down that they gave not a shit about Becks. But every show, every paper and every magazine was devoting time to this "non-story." It was all the same crap. Overrated. . .sham. . .Pele. . .waste of money. . .did you see his wife's tits? If you talk about something that much, you have to care at least a little. Much like my co-worker, me thinks thee doth protest too much.
And now, just as I suspected, when David Beckham finally started a game, and scored, and looked hot doing it, all of the sport media who spent the last few weeks bagging on him are scrambling to get those pedals into reverse. Sure, there are those that say it matters not what Beckham does. But, I suspect that there will be more than a little damage control going on around the country today, as reporters scramble to eat their words.
While no one can argue that his wife is a waste of space with bolted-on tits, and his voice is more Harry Potter than James Bond, I like David Beckham. And, whatever you may think of soccer, just make sure you save a little room on your show or in your column for the next time he does something great. Wouldn't want to have to get a running start to jump on that bandwagon, now would you?
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
What, It wasn't Carl Evertt?

That's a Punta, not a Punter

In this case however, the punter was not defenseless. If you watch the video, you notice that Saverio Rocca pops right up after the hit. And he could do this is because he's been hit way harder, by guys who are way bigger before, and when those hits happened he didn't have pads or a helmet on. Sav Rocca is a Footy player, and at 6-5, 265 pounds he's the one who looks like a Linebacker. Barnes is 6-1, 240 and would stand little chance of landing a hit like that, if it wasn't from the blind side. To put it in American terms, that's not a hit... That's a hit! Take a look at some of those Footy hits and you'll realize that NFL football is not the only vicious hitting game around.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Oh Pacman, Say it ain't so....

Well it was only a matter of time before Pacman Jones sunk to the bottom of the sports or should I say entertainment world. As has been widely reported Pacman Jones made his TNA debut last Sunday on the Hard Justice pay per view. Now before we could get to this event the Tennessee Titans got an injunction saying that Pacman could not physically participate in this event as was originally planned. Of course wrestling being what it is was not deterred and Pacman made his appearance and was dubbed the "most controversial athlete in professional sports today." He of course came out all in black looking like a fool claiming to be the greatest team player in sports history foaming at the mouth like wrestlers tend to do. Of course he was interrupted by Ron "the truth" Killings another former no name NFL guy who has taken up wrestling.
Truth talked smack back to Pacman saying he didn't know what he was getting into and wrestling is not a "team sport" so he'd better watch his back. This went on I'm sure for too long before the truth tried to attack Pacman but was held back by the "police". Later on back stage in the show the cameras found Pacman "unconcious" in the back room allegedly attacked and left battered. How this saga will end remains to be seen being as Pacman in not allowed to participate in any type of contact. Of course we can only hope that if Michael Vick gets out of jail time that he will find his way to the world of pro wrestling as well. I'm sure the Junk Yard Dog would have a bone to pick with him.......
Great! Now the Yanks are going to win it all.

Happy Madden Day Everyone

Maryland over PA: Greazy was torn

Monday, August 13, 2007
President Ripken??

As I was perusing my sports page today I was somewhat shocked to see Cal Ripken being introduced as the "Special Sports Envoy" to the State Department. We all know about Cal's commitment to kids when it comes to youth baseball. His complex in Aberdeen is impressive even if it is costing the town he used to call home more money than they can manage. I expected Cal to stay involved in baseball, maybe even re-enter the Majors as a manager or possibly an owner in years to come. Never did I expect him to become this involved with government.
If ever the government of this country needed a clean image guy it is now. You can only wonder if this will do Ripken more harm than good. I hope he doesn't get sucked into this life style and decide he needs to "make a difference" in the world of politics. No doubt he'd be elected in a land slide to whatever he ran for in Maryland and who knows, he has the reputation and the love of a lot of Americans he could conceivably make a White House run at some point and come damn close. As a fan and admirer I'd hope Ripken will not get any deeper into this world and realize he can do more for kids and the country in general by keeping his good name and continuing on the path he has set for himself.

Sunday, August 12, 2007
A Good Sports Weekend

Friday, August 10, 2007
You Don't Eat at a Tittie Bar

Thursday, August 9, 2007
I'm Sorry, What??

The Steelers have a mascot. Usually, they don't do this kind of thing, but for some reason they thought it wise to have one now. So, they recently unveiled Steely McBeam.
My problem with this exists on many levels. The first, and most obvious one being that his name is Steely McBeam. This is Pittsburgh. His name, without question, should be Steely Beamanowski. Seriously. Am I the only one familiar with the demographic in that town?
Second, this is a sports franchise with an item that identifies it. The Terrible Towel. So, why not make Terrible Towelie? Slap some arms and legs on a giant yellow towel, and you're ready to get high (If you don't get this reference, I can't help you). I should really be a sports marketing exec, because you know they would sell a shitload of figurines and stuffed "Terrible Towelies." Who wants Steely merch? No one, that's who.
Lastly, and no, I don't mean to disparage Steely. But, the overalls, the stubble, the construction-worker-esque outfit. Face it, Pittsburgh, he's gay. Hopefully he has the Dallas Cowboy and Chief Wahoo on speed-dial so they can meet the Cop and the Leatherman at the Anvil to get their groove on. YMCA!!
Welcome Back Rick!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Bye Bye Boomer!!

I've never really cared for Wells as a player even when he was with the O's. As a sideshow he is highly entertaining with the gout and the bar fight and all. I've never been impressed with him and can't stand to see his fat ass hanging out of his uniform. He looks like he belongs in the Wild Hogs movie more so than a Major League baseball game. Anyway, with all that said Good Bye Boomer I'm sure you'll make news making an ass out of yourself after your playing career....now if we could only get the other has been Boomer to retire.......
Nothing Important Happened in Baseball Yesterday

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Atta Boy Josh
"This is a Stick Up, Give Me 31 Million Dollars or I Won't Play For Your Shitty Team"

Monday, August 6, 2007
Put Us Out Of Our Misery

All Wrapped Up

Sunday, August 5, 2007
Stud of the Week: Mark Teixeira

Thursday, August 2, 2007
Ben Graham: Ball Kicker

While active in Aussie Rules Graham played over 200 games and collected some impressive totals (985 marks, 2693 disposals, 145 goals and 113 behinds.) He had his best goal kicking year in his last year before coming to the US to play our football. And he just keeps kicking here in the NFL posting some good numbers for the Jets as well. (32 games, 146 punts with 44 inside the 20 good for 30.1%, only 3.4 yards per return and no Fair Catches)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Stiff of the Week: Three Way Tie