Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bend it Like You're a Douchebag

Recently, I had a work tiff with someone who swore up and down that they didn't care about what I was doing, but they sure were upset about it. I liken this trivial incident in my life to the recent stories surrounding David Beckham, and his trip to the US.

Scads of sports media types swore up and down that they gave not a shit about Becks. But every show, every paper and every magazine was devoting time to this "non-story." It was all the same crap. Overrated. . .sham. . .Pele. . .waste of money. . .did you see his wife's tits? If you talk about something that much, you have to care at least a little. Much like my co-worker, me thinks thee doth protest too much.

And now, just as I suspected, when David Beckham finally started a game, and scored, and looked hot doing it, all of the sport media who spent the last few weeks bagging on him are scrambling to get those pedals into reverse. Sure, there are those that say it matters not what Beckham does. But, I suspect that there will be more than a little damage control going on around the country today, as reporters scramble to eat their words.

While no one can argue that his wife is a waste of space with bolted-on tits, and his voice is more Harry Potter than James Bond, I like David Beckham. And, whatever you may think of soccer, just make sure you save a little room on your show or in your column for the next time he does something great. Wouldn't want to have to get a running start to jump on that bandwagon, now would you?

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