One of the Long Island Ducks went crazy the other night, and I am amazed that it wasn't Carl Everett. I guess he's still too busy trying to prove that the moon landing was a fake and Dinosaurs never existed. By the way Carl, where in the bible does it say that you get to be a huge dick? Anyway, In a game against The Bridgeport Bluefish, former Major Leaguer Jose Offerman hit a homer in the first inning. He came up again in the second and Bluefish pitcher Matt Beech got ahead of him 0-1 and then drilled him in the calf with a slider.
Offerman, who has undoubtedly been hit by faster pitching before, snapped and charged the mound with his bat in his hand. Bluefish catcher John Nathans tried to help his battery mate and got a bat across the back of his head for his effort. Beech has a broken finger, and my never have the will to hit a batter again in his life, which is sad because it is part of the game. To be fair, an intentional plunk normally is in the back, so this may have just been an accident. Either way Offerman, who was hitting .335-8-47 at the time, will never play in the Atlantic League again. So it's safe to say his baseball career may be over. Oh, yeah, and there's that pesky arrest to think about too. He was taken into custody in the clubhouse and faces assault charges.
PS 8/16: According to this story, Jose says he didn't hit anyone and that the whole thing was made up. Wow, I guess he's getting his cover story from Carl Evertt after all.

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