I'm going to go on the record now as saying I am officially flip flopping on the ALCS. After watching last night's game it's clear that the Red Sox want this more. The Indians came out flat and pretty much shit the bed as Boston rolled 12-2. The most interesting part of the game tonight will be if the way overpriced and under performing Dice K can manage to win a post season game. He has been anything but an ace on this team and after all the money and mystery surrounding this guy the Bean Town faithful have to be disappointed. The other side note of distraction for the Sox is Manny Ramirez's constant controversial points of view. He doesn't care if his team makes it or not, it's not life and death to him and the fans of Boston will never understand this. Of course as is being reported hot off the press today the Indians are not without their distractions. Turns out pitcher Paul Byrd has purchased over 25K of HGH. I don't know why this story has broken now but it can't be good for the Indians locker room which has to be crushed with two straight losses. So while I'll still be pulling for the Rockies to win their first Series, I believe the Sox will prevail in game 7 and send themselves with a ton of momentum to the mile high city.
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