You all know that I'm normally all about all things Aussie, but this is fucking ridiculous. I don't care if people hunt, just so long as they eat what they kill, and that there's a bit of proportion to the whole thing. I've often said that the NRA is one of the worst things that can happen to this country because rather then just backing the guys who go out and shoot a deer with a thirty ought six they want to do it with an AK-47. I'm not into hunting, but I have respect for guys who can sit in a tree while covered in deer piss and shoot a buck with a .222 or a bow and arrow.
But do you really need a huge ass riffle like this guy has to kill a cat. A FUCKING CAT! The thing has a fucking sight on it for crying out loud. Sure the cat is feral and all, but can't you trap it with some yarn or a feather and bell on the end of a string? Maybe I'm crazy, but shooting a cat with a big ass gun just doesn't seem sporting to me. If you go bear hunting there's always the chance that the bear may end up hunting you. And a deer can kick the shit out of a hunter, although most deer hunting accidents come from drunk rednecks falling out of trees and shooting one another. What's the cat going to do? Hiss at you and claw at your fatigues?
What's worse is that this dumb fuck paid $100 buck for the pleasure of shooting this cat. One look at the web site shows that cat is the cheapest of the varmints you can hunt through Ausafari. Below the menu of critters you can shoot with your shoulder mounted rocket launcher is this little graphic:
Nice. I'm a cold heartless fuck, and even I think that is fucked. This guys should be locked up with Michael Vick and a pack of rabid dogs and cats. He's in the early running for stiff of the year and I don't even know his name.
What's worse is that this dumb fuck paid $100 buck for the pleasure of shooting this cat. One look at the web site shows that cat is the cheapest of the varmints you can hunt through Ausafari. Below the menu of critters you can shoot with your shoulder mounted rocket launcher is this little graphic:

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