I realize that Major League Baseball is in the post season and this is typically the time of year that even non baseball fans are into the former national past time. However I am tired of the league dragging the post season out to damn near Thanksgiving (an exaggeration I know). The NLCS was decided on Sunday yet we don't get game 1 until Thursday night at 8. After playing nearly every day since April do these guys really need nearly a week off to get ready for a best of 7 series? The ALCS doesn't start until Friday and I guarantee you if both of these are sweeps the World Series won't be moved up. I'm pulling for a Rockies vs Indians series because that gives us the best chance for a "white" series meaning I hope it snows not that the players of those teams are predominately white. I am very cynical about baseball right now because my team blows with little chance of improvement and the steroid scandals as well as all the loud mouth Red Sox and Yankee fans that we as a nation have to endure thanks to ESPN and Fox blowing their rivalry way out of proportion.

Lastly and the reason for the tie I am tired of seeing Dane Cooks' Don Cheadle esque commercials for the baseball post season. Is there nothing he won't do? It's bad enough he made Employee of the month with Jessica Simpson and from what I hear Good Luck Chuck was just about as bad. Now I have to listen to him for 60 seconds over enunciating all of his word going on about how great the baseball post season is. I got news for you, no one accept for the four cities involved are pumped up for the rest of the post season. Dane needs to get some standards and start making good movies/promos I mean what's next will he be on Dancing With the Stars with Gary Coleman?? Sorry Dane, I love your stand up but you should probably stick to that or hire a better agent.
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